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Patapan, Haig. A dangerous passion: leadership and the question of honor / Haig Patapan. — 1 online resource — <URL:>.

Record create date: 4/2/2021

Subject: Political leadership.; Honor.; Personality and politics.

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Part 1: Introduction
    • Chapter 1 Leadership and the Question of Honor
      • Modern Neglect of the Question of Honor
  • Part 2: Leadership-Honor Dynamic
    • Chapter 2 Magnanimous Leadership
      • Spiritedness and Leadership
      • Two Faces of Honor
      • Love and Leadership
      • Socratic Education of Leaders
      • Magnanimous Leadership
    • Chapter 3 Gloria and Machiavelli’s New Prince
      • The Question of Leadership
      • Who are the many?
      • Question of Honor
      • Machiavellian Legacies: Charisma, Elitism
    • Chapter 4 Dispersed Leadership of Thomas Hobbes
      • Hobbes’s Unsung Hero
      • Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes
      • “Lord Over the Children of Pride”
      • Dispersing Leadership
      • Heroic Geese
      • Dominance of Hobbes’s Leadership-Honor Dynamic
  • Part 3: Politics of the Leadership-Honor Dynamic
    • Chapter 5 Rethinking Transformative and Transactional Leadership
      • MacGregor Burns on Leadership and Prestige
        • Leadership and Esteem
      • Moral Leadership
    • Chapter 6 Idealistic Leadership of Lee Kuan Yew
      • Lee Kuan Yew and His Founding Ambition
      • Lee Kuan Yew and Asian Values
      • Idealistic Leadership as Magnanimity
    • Chapter 7 Flattery of Advisors
      • Hobbes and Flattery
      • Flattery and Magnanimity
      • Modern Flattery
        • On Secretaries
      • On Flatterers
      • Machiavellian Advice
    • Chapter 8 Anti-politics of Fame and Identity
      • Fame and Celebrity
        • Dodos and Democratic Equality
        • Modern Celebrity
      • Politics of Identity
        • Recovering Autonomy and Dignity
        • Recognition
        • Authenticity
        • Rhetoric and the Politics of Identity
      • Between Fame and Identity
    • Chapter 9 Patriotism and National Pride
      • Classical Patriotism
      • The Modern Patriot
      • State and Patria
      • Nationalism
        • Divine Modern State
        • Coldest of Cold Monsters
      • Contemporary Patriotic Leadership
  • Part 4: Conclusion
    • Chapter 10 Noble Ambitions, Dangerous Passions
  • Notes
  • References
  • Index

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