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Studies in health technology and informatics ;.
Health literacy in clinical practice and public health: new initiatives and lessons learned at the intersection with other disciplines. — 269. / edited by Robert A. Logan and Elliot R. Siegel. — 1 online resource : illustrations. — (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics). — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2632789.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 26.09.2020

Тематика: Health literacy.; Literacy — Health aspects.; Public health.; Research.; Health Literacy; Research; Health Communication; Public Health; Compétence informationnelle en santé.; Santé publique.; Recherche.; public health.; research (function); Health literacy.; Public health.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Section One. Exploring Health Literacy's Capacity to Foster Progress in Clinical Practice and Public Health
    • Health Literacy and Its Impact on Health and Healthcare Outcomes
    • The Intersections Between Social Determinants of Health, Health Literacy, and Health Disparities
    • How Health Literacy Develops the 'Four Aims' of Better Health Care
    • Achieving the Quadruple Aim Through Bidirectional Care
    • Health Literacy: An Essential Element of Health Care Professionalism and Resilience
    • Health Literacy and Pediatric Health
    • The Evolving Role of Health Literacy in Improving Oral Health
    • Advancing Health Literacy Interventions
    • What Must Health Literacy Stakeholders Do to Build a Public Health and Population Health Agenda?
    • Improving Immunization and Health Literacy Through a Community-Based Approach
    • Promoting Latino Self-Management Through Use of Information Visualizations: A Case Study in New York City
    • Health Literacy Out Loud Podcasts: Audio Interviews About Health Literacy, Health Communication, and Health from Many Points of View
    • Health Literacy Measurement in General and Other Populations: Further Initiatives and Lessons Learned in Europe (and Beyond)
    • Health Literacy in Austria: Interventions and Research
    • Work in Progress: A Report on Health Literacy in Denmark and the Netherlands
    • Health Literacy Research in Malaysia: Health Literacy and Other Aging Challenges Among Malaysian Public Employees
    • Health Literacy in Israel - From Measurement to Intervention: Two Case Studies
    • Summary and Comments About Section One
  • Section Two. Health Literacy Initiatives and Lessons Learned - from Diverse Health Care Stakeholders Initiatives and Lessons Learned - from Diverse Health Care Stakeholders
    • NGOs
      • Health Literacy Research in Rural Areas
      • Health Literacy Initiatives and Lessons Learned with NGOs: Wisconsin Health Literacy
      • Building Health Literacy Coalitions and NGOs
    • Corporations and Organizations
      • The Universal Patient Language: A Set of Resources and Tools to Design Patient Communications That Support Better Health Literacy
      • How Health Literacy Can Enhance the Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials from Consent to Conclusion
      • Programmatic Approaches to Increase the Health of Children and Senior Citizens Using Health Literacy Best Practices
    • Government
      • Health Literacy Initiatives and Lessons Learned within Public Health Agencies
      • MedlinePlus at 21: A Website Devoted to Consumer Health Information
      • How the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Promotes Health Literate Health Care
      • There's a Gap Between Digital Health Information and Users - Let's Close It
      • The FDA's Message Testing: Putting Health Literacy Advice into Practice
      • Applying Lessons Learned from CDC's Health Literacy Initiatives
      • Preparing a Health Literate Workforce: The Role of Area Health Education Centers
    • Section Two Summary: Taking Stock of Health Literacy Practices
  • Section Three. Health Literacy's Similarities With - and Differences From - Related Health Disciplines
    • Reintegrate Empowerment and Health Literacy to Advance Public Health and Healthcare Delivery
    • K-12 Health Education, Health Communication, and Health Literacy: Strategies to Improve Lifelong Health
    • Nurturing Context: TRACE, the Arts, Medical Practice, and Health Literacy
    • Health Literacy's Impact On Health Law & Policy
    • Health Literacy: Global Advances with a Focus Upon the Shanghai Declaration on Promoting Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
    • The Role and Impact of Health Literacy on Peer-to-Peer Health Communication
    • Will Improvements in Health Journalism Improve Health Literacy?
    • Promoting Convergence Between Health Literacy and Health Communication
    • Beyond the Bench and Bedside: Health Literacy Is Fundamental to Sustainable Health and Development
    • Integrated Measures of Health Literacy, Language Access, and Cultural Competency Would Improve Health Care Quality and Value
    • Summary and Comments About Section Three
  • Subject Index
  • Author Index

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