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Smart, Gary. Practical Python Programming for IoT [[electronic resource]]: Build Advanced IoT Projects Using a Raspberry Pi 4, MQTT, RESTful APIs, WebSockets, and Python 3. — Birmingham: Packt Publishing, Limited, 2020. — 1 online resource (500 p.). — Description based upon print version of record. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 10/31/2020

Subject: Internet of things.; Python (Computer program language)

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Programming with Python and the Raspberry Pi
  • Chapter 1: Setting Up your Development Environment
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding your Python installation
    • Setting up a Python virtual environment
    • Installing Python GPIO packages with pip
      • Anatomy of a virtual environment
    • Alternative methods of executing a Python script
      • Using sudo within virtual environments
      • Executing Python scripts outside of their virtual environments
      • Running a Python script at boot
    • Configuring the GPIO interface on our Raspberry Pi
      • Configuring the PiGPIO daemon
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2: Getting Started with Python and IoT
    • Technical requirements
    • Creating a breadboard prototype circuit
      • Understanding the breadboard
      • Positioning and connecting the push button
      • Positioning and connecting the LED
      • Positioning and connecting the resistor
    • Reading an electronic schematic diagram
      • Reading the push button schematic connection
      • Reading the LED and resistor schematic connection
      • Introducing ground connections and symbols
    • Exploring two ways to flash an LED in Python
      • Blinking with GPIOZero
        • Imports
        • Pin Factory configuration
        • Blinking the LED
      • Blinking with PiGPIO
        • Imports
        • PiGPIO and pin configuration
        • Blinking the LED
      • Comparing the GPIOZero and PiGPIO examples
    • Exploring two ways to integrate a push button in Python
      • Responding to a button press with GPIOZero
        • Imports
        • Button pressed handler
        • Button configuration
        • Preventing the main thread from terminating
      • Responding to a button press with PiGPIO
        • Button pin configuration
        • Button pressed handler
    • Creating your first IoT program
      • Running and testing the Python server
      • Understanding the server code
        • Imports
        • Variable definitions
        • The resolve_thing_name() method
        • The get_lastest_dweet() method
        • The poll_dweets_forever() method
        • The process_dweet() method
        • The main program entry point
    • Extending your IoT program
      • Implementing a dweeting button
      • PiGPIO LED as a class
    • Summary
    • Questions 
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3: Networking with RESTful APIs and Web Sockets Using Flask
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing the Flask microservices framework
    • Creating a RESTful API service with Flask-RESTful
      • Running and testing the Python server
      • Understanding the server code
        • Imports
        • Flask and Flask-RESTful API instance variables
        • Global variables
        • The init_led() method
        • Serving a web page
        • The LEDControl class
        • The get() class method
        • The post() class method
        • LEDController registration and starting the server
      • Introduction to PWM
    • Adding a RESTful API client web page
      • Understanding the client-side code
        • JavaScript imports
        • The getState() function
        • The postUpdate() function
        • The updateControls() function
        • Registering event handlers with jQuery
        • The web page HTML
    • Creating a Web Socket service with Flask-SocketIO
      • Running and testing the Python server
      • Server code walkthrough
        • Imports
        • Flask and Flask-RESTful API instance variables
        • Serving a web page
        • Connecting and disconnecting handlers
        • LED handler
        • Starting the server
    • Adding a Web Socket client web page
      • Understanding the client-side code
        • Imports
        • Socket.IO connect and disconnect handlers
        • The on LED handler
        • The document ready function
        • The web page HTML
    • Comparing the RESTful API and Web Socket servers
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 4: Networking with MQTT, Python, and the Mosquitto MQTT Broker
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing the Mosquitto MQTT broker
    • Learning MQTT by example
      • Publishing and subscribing MQTT messages
      • Exploring MQTT topics and wildcards
      • Applying Quality of Service to messages
      • Retaining messages for later delivery
        • Publishing a retained message
        • Creating durable connections
      • Saying goodbye with a Will
      • Using MQTT broker services
    • Introducing the Python Paho-MQTT client library
    • Controlling an LED with Python and MQTT
      • Running the LED MQTT example
      • Understanding the code
        • Imports
        • Global variables
        • The set_led_level(data) method
        • The on_connect() and on_disconnect() MQTT callback methods
        • The on_message() MQTT callback method
        • The init_mqtt() method
        • Main entry point
    • Building a web-based MQTT client
      • Understanding the code
        • Imports
        • Global variables
        • The Paho JavaScript MQTT client
        • Connecting to the broker
        • The onConnectionLost and onMessageArrived handler methods
        • JQuery document ready function
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 2: Practical Electronics for Interacting with the Physical World
  • Chapter 5: Connecting Your Raspberry Pi to the Physical World
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding Raspberry Pi pin numbering
    • Exploring popular Python GPIO libraries
      • Reviewing GPIOZero – simple interfacing for beginners
      • Reviewing RPi.GPIO – a low-level GPIO for beginners
      • Reviewing Circuit Python and Blinka – interfacing for complex devices
      • Reviewing PiGPIO – a low-level GPIO library
        • Exploring remote GPIO with PiGPIO (and GPIOZero)
      • Reviewing SPIDev and SMBus – dedicated SPI and I2C libraries
      • Why PiGPIO?
    • Exploring Raspberry Pi electronic interfacing options
      • Understanding digital IO
      • Understanding analog IO
      • Understanding Pulse-Width Modulation
        • Creating PWM signals
      • Understanding SPI, I2C, and 1-wire interfaces
      • Understanding the serial / UART protocol
    • Interfacing with an analog-to-digital converter
      • Building the ADS1115 ADC circuit
      • Making sure the ADS1115 is connected to your Raspberry Pi
      • Reading analog input with the ADS1115
        • Understanding the code
          • Imports
          • ADS1115 setup and configuration
          • Global variables
          • Program entry point
      • Using PWM to control an LED
        • Understanding the code
          • Global variables
          • Range mapping function
          • Generating the PWM signal
      • Visually exploring PWM with PiScope
      • Visualizing software and hardware-timed PWM
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 6: Electronics 101 for the Software Engineer
    • Technical requirements
    • Fitting out your workshop
      • Buying electronic modules and components
        • Purchasing lose components
        • Purchasing open source hardware modules
    • Keeping your Raspberry Pi safe
    • Three ways electronic components fail
    • Electronics interfacing principles for GPIO control
      • Ohm's Law and power
      • Kirchhoff's circuit laws
      • Why are we using a 200 Ohm resistor for the LED circuit?
        • Calculating the resistor value
        • Factoring in the Raspberry Pi's current limits
        • Calculating the resistor's power dissipation
    • Exploring digital electronics
      • Digital output
      • Digital input
      • Using pull-up and pull-down resistors
        • The resistor solution
        • The code solution
    • Exploring analog electronics
      • Analog output
      • Analog input
        • Voltage dividers
    • Understanding logic-level conversion
      • Voltage dividers as logic-level converters
      • Logic-level converter ICs and modules
      • Comparing voltage dividers and logic-level converters
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 3: IoT Playground - Practical Examples to Interact with the Physical World
  • Chapter 7: Turning Things On and Off
    • Technical requirements
    • Exploring a relay driver circuit
    • Determining a load's voltage and current
      • Measuring the current requirement of a DC motor
      • Measuring the current requirement of a relay and LED
    • Using an optocoupler as a switch
      • Building the optocoupler circuit
      • Controlling the optocoupler with Python
    • Using a transistor as a switch
      • Building the MOSFET circuit
      • Controlling the MOSFET with Python
    • Using a relay as a switch
      • Building the relay driver circuit
      • Controlling the Relay Driver Circuit with Python
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 8: Lights, Indicators, and Displaying Information
    • Technical requirements
    • Making color with an RGB LED and PWM
      • Creating the RGB LED circuit
      • Running and exploring the RGB LED code
    • Controlling a multi-color APA102 LED strip with SPI
      • Creating the APA102 circuit
        • Powering the APA102 circuit
        • Configuring and running the APA102 LED strip code
        • APA102 LED strip code walkthrough
        • Discussion of APA102 and the SPI interface
        • APA102 LED strip troubleshooting tips
    • Using an OLED display
      • Connecting the OLED display
      • Verifying whether the OLED display is connected
      • Configuring and running the OLED example
        • OLED code walkthrough
    • Making sound with buzzers and PWM
      • Building the RTTTL circuit
      • Running the RTTTL music example
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 9: Measuring Temperature, Humidity, and Light Levels
    • Technical requirements
    • Measuring temperature and humidity
      • Creating the DHT11/DHT22 circuit
      • Running and exploring the DHT11/DHT22 code
    • Detecting light
      • Creating an LDR light-detecting circuit
      • Running the LDR example code
      • LDR code walkthrough
      • LDR configuration summary
    • Detecting moisture
      • Comparing detection options
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 10: Movement with Servos, Motors, and Steppers
    • Technical requirements
    • Using PWM to rotate a servo
      • Connecting a servo to your Raspberry Pi
      • How a servo is controlled using PWM
      • Running and exploring the servo code
      • Different types of servos
    • Using an H-Bridge IC to control a motor
      • Building the motor driver circuit
      • Running the example H-Bridge code to control a motor
    • Introduction to stepper motor control
      • Connecting the stepper motor to the L293D circuit
      • Running and exploring the stepper motor code
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 11: Measuring Distance and Detecting Movement
    • Technical requirements
    • Detecting movement with a PIR sensor
      • Creating the PIR sensor circuit
      • Running and exploring the PIR sensor code
    • Measuring distance with an ultrasonic sensor
      • How an ultrasonic distance sensor works
      • HC-SR04 distance measurement process
      • Building the HC-SR04 circuit
      • Running and exploring the HC-SR04 example code
    • Detecting movement and distance with Hall-effect sensors
      • Creating a Hall-effect sensor circuit
      • Running and exploring the Hall-effect sensor code
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 12: Advanced IoT Programming Concepts - Threads, AsyncIO, and Event Loops
    • Technical requirements
    • Building and testing our circuit
      • Building the reference circuit
      • Running the examples
    • Exploring the event-loop approach
    • Exploring a threaded approach
    • Exploring the publisher-subscriber alternative
    • Exploring an AsyncIO approach
      • An asynchronous experiment
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 13: IoT Visualization and Automation Platforms
    • Technical requirements
    • Triggering an IFTTT Applet from your Raspberry Pi
      • Creating the temperature monitoring circuit
      • Creating and configuring an IFTTT Applet
      • Triggering an IFTTT Webhook
      • Triggering an IFTTT Applet in Python
    • Actioning your Raspberry Pi from an IFTTT Applet
      • Method 1 – using the service as an intermediary
      • Method 2 – creating a Flask-RESTful service
      • Creating the LED circuit
      • Running the IFTTT and LED Python program
      • Creating the IFTTT Applet
      • Controlling the LED from an email
      • IFTTT troubleshooting
    • Visualizing data with the ThingSpeak platform
      • Configuring the ThinkSpeak platform
      • Configuring and running the ThinkSpeak Python program
    • Other IoT and automation platforms for further exploration
      • Zapier
      • IFTTT platform
      • ThingsBoard IoT platform
      • Home Assistant
      • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      • Microsoft Azure, IBM Watson, and Google Cloud
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 14: Tying It All Together - An IoT Christmas Tree
    • Technical requirements
    • Overview of the IoT Christmas tree
    • Building the IoTree circuit
      • Three IoTree service programs
    • Configuring, running, and using the Tree API service
      • Configuring the Tree API service
      • Running the Tree API service
    • Configuring, running, and using the Tree MQTT service
      • Configuring the Tree MQTT service
      • Running the Tree MQTT service program
    • Integrating the IoTree with
      • Configuring the Tree MQTT service
      • Running the dweet integration service program
    • Integrating with email and Google Assistant via IFTTT
      • Integration with email
      • Integration with Google Assistant
    • Ideas and suggestions to extend your IoTree
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Assessments
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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