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Caused accompanied motion: bringing and taking events in a cross-linguistic perspective / edited by Anna Margetts, Birgit Hellwig, Sonja Riesberg. — 1 online resource. — (Typological studies in language). — This book is the outcome of two projects funded by the Documentation of Endangered Languages Program (DobeS) of the Volkswagen Foundation. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 4/1/2022

Subject: Motion in language.; Direction in language.; Grammar, Comparative and general — Verb.; Grammar, Comparative and general — Locative constructions.; Endangered languages — Case studies.; Mouvement dans le langage.; Direction dans le langage.; Verbe (Linguistique); Locatifs.; Langues menacées — Études de cas.

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"This volume investigates the linguistic expression of directed caused accompanied motion events, including verbal concepts like BRING and TAKE. Contributions explore how speakers conceptualise and describe these events across areally, genetically, and typologically diverse languages of the Americas, Austronesia and Papua. The chapters investigate such events on the basis of spoken language corpora of endangered, underdescribed languages and in this way the volume showcases the importance of documentary linguistics for linguistic typology. The semantic domain of directed caused accompanied motion shows considerable crosslinguistic variation in how meaning components are conflated within single lexemes or distributed across morphemes or clauses. The volume presents a typology of common patterns and constraints in the linguistic expression of these events. The study of crosslinguistic event encoding provided in this volume contributes to our understanding of the nature, extent and limits of linguistic and cognitive diversity"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Caused Accompanied Motion
  • Editorial page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Preface and acknowledgements
  • Bringing and taking: A cross-linguistic perspective on caused accompanied motion events
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1 Studies in the cross-linguistic encoding of events
      • 1.2 The sample
    • 2. The domain of directed caused accompanied motion
      • 2.1 Semantic components
      • 2.2 Methodology
    • 3. Patterns in the conflation and distribution of semantic components
      • 3.1 Basic patterns in the languages of our sample
      • 3.2 The expression of additional semantic components
      • 3.3 Universality and variability
    • 4. Outline of the volume
    • Acknowledgements
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Caused accompanied motion in Bora
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1 Overview
      • 1.2 Language background
    • 2. Relevant grammatical background
      • 2.1 Introduction
      • 2.2 Spatial, comitative, and other cases
      • 2.3 Associated motion suffixes
      • 2.4 Predicates and predication
      • 2.5 Arguments and adjuncts
    • 3. Bring and take verbs
      • 3.1 Semantics of bring and take verbs
      • 3.2 Etymology of bring and take verbs
    • 4. Non-CAM-dir verbs referring to CAM-dir events
      • 4.1 obtain-type verb
      • 4.2 Manner-specific CAM verbs
      • 4.3 Push, pull, and lift verbs
      • 4.4 Accompaniment verbs and constructions
    • 5. Summary
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • The expression of directed caused accompanied motion (CAM) events in Chipaya
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1 The Chipaya language and data
      • 1.2 Grammatical background relevant for the expression of directed CAM-events
    • 2. Directed CAM-events in Chipaya
      • 2.1 Directed CAM-verbs: take
      • 2.2 Manner-specific CAM-verbs and their role in expressing directed CAM-events
    • 3. Summary
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Expressing directional caused accompanied motion in Movima
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Monovalent motion verbs
    • 3. Bivalent motion verbs: Expressing CAM
      • 3.1 Transitive clauses
      • 3.2 Deriving CAM verbs: The applicative ɬe
      • 3.3 The applicative -ɬe on non-motion verb bases
    • 4. Oblique phrases
      • 4.1 Oblique phrases as goal expressions
      • 4.2 Oblique phrases expressing other non-agent event participants
    • 5. Marginal expressions of direction, accompaniment, and motion
      • 5.1 Demonstratives expressing deictic motion
      • 5.2 Lexicalized caused accompanied motion: ‘Drive (cattle)’
      • 5.3 Non-caused accompaniment: Oylo ‘my companion’
      • 5.4 Manner-specific CAM verbs
    • 6. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • The expression of directed caused accompanied motion events in Yurakaré: Semantics, pragmatics, and interactional variability
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Data and method
    • 3. Grammatical background
      • 3.1 Expression of non-core arguments
      • 3.2 Applicatives
      • 3.3 Clause chaining and serialisation
    • 4. Expressing (directed) CAM events with the canonical CAM construction
      • 4.1 Semantic properties of the construction
      • 4.2 Motion verbs used in the construction
      • 4.3 Expression of directedness
      • 4.4 Encoding of overt goal, source, and path arguments
      • 4.5 Properties of agent and theme arguments
    • 5. Alternative expressions
      • 5.1 Dependent-marking associative construction
      • 5.2 Motion verb with comitative applicative
      • 5.3 Motion verb with goal applicative
      • 5.4 Motion verb with plural subjects
      • 5.5 Other cross-linguistically relevant verb types
    • 6. Interactional variability
    • 7. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Directed caused accompanied motion events in Saliba-Logea
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Database and methodology
    • 3. Grammatical background
      • 3.1 Directional constructions
      • 3.2 Spatial postpositions
      • 3.3 Benefactive constructions
      • 3.4 Valence-changing devices
      • 3.5 Accompaniment expressions
    • 4. Manner-of-caused-motion verbs in directed CAM expressions
      • 4.1 carry verbs
      • 4.2 drag, pull and push verbs
      • 4.3 guide and lead verbs
      • 4.4 transport verbs
      • 4.5 Comparison of manner-of-caused-motion verbs in directed CAM events
    • 5. Manner-neutral expressions of directed CAM events
      • 5.1 Hai ‘get’
      • 5.2 Direction + caused motion constructions
    • 6. Other construction types
    • 7. Frequencies of directed CAM expressions
    • 8. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Directed caused accompanied motion events in Sudest, an Oceanic language with classificatory verbs
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Data and method
    • 3. Typological characteristics and grammatical background
      • 3.1 Classificatory verbs
      • 3.2 Spatial adpositions
      • 3.3 Directedness
      • 3.4 Manner-of-causation prefixes
    • 4. Directed CAM expressions with classificatory verbs
      • 4.1 Classificatory verbs with directional verbs
      • 4.2 Classificatory verbs with associated motion prefixes
      • 4.3 Classificatory verbs with directional enclitic
      • 4.4 Manner of causation and classificatory verbs
    • 5. Minor directed CAM expressions
      • 5.1 Vanggu ‘lead’
      • 5.2 Manner-specific verbs of caused motion ‘push’, ‘pull’, and ‘carry’
      • 5.3 Directional verbs with valency-changing morphology
    • 6. Frequencies of directed CAM expressions
    • 7. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Expressions of directed caused accompanied motion events in Totoli, a western Austronesian language of Indonesia
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Relevant grammatical background
      • 2.1 Voice marking
      • 2.2 Applicative marking
      • 2.3 Deictic directional clitics and spatial prepositions
    • 3. Basic expressions of directed CAM events in Totoli with ala ‘take’
      • 3.1 The semantic core of basic directed CAM expressions in Totoli
      • 3.2 Ala ‘take’ with directional clitics and goal expressions
      • 3.3 Ala ‘take’ with applicative suffix
      • 3.4 Ala ‘take’ with locative voice
    • 4. Manner-specific verbs and verbs of accompaniment in directed CAM expressions
      • 4.1 Manner of causation
      • 4.2 Manner of motion
      • 4.3 Accompany verbs
    • 5. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Caused accompanied motion constructions in Vera’a
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Background: Basic clause structure and expressions of motion
      • 2.1 Vera’a basic clause structure
      • 2.2 Data on directed CAM expressions in Vera’a
    • 3. Lexical and constructional elements in the expression of CAM events
      • 3.1 The verb ‘ō’ ‘be with’ and its prepositional equivalent
      • 3.2 The verb le ‘move’
      • 3.3 Locative and dative PPs
      • 3.4 Directional adverbs, verbs and particles
    • 4. Caused accompanied motion constructions and their variants
      • 4.1 Accompany
      • 4.2 Move
    • 5. Manner-specific CAM verbs
      • 5.1 Carry verbs
      • 5.2 Push and pull verbs
    • 6. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Expressions of directed caused accompanied motion in Komnzo
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The text corpus
    • 3. Grammatical background
      • 3.1 Distributed exponence
      • 3.2 Verb templates
      • 3.3 Case marking
      • 3.4 The deictic system
    • 4. CAM events
      • 4.1 Basic expressions of directed CAM events
      • 4.2 Strategies for expressing accompaniment in CAM events
      • 4.3 Path of motion specific verbs in CAM events
      • 4.4 Manner of motion specific verbs in CAM events
      • 4.5 Stative verbs in CAM events
      • 4.6 Template choice and causation
    • 5. Information distribution in CAM events
    • 6. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • The expression of directed caused accompanied motion events in Savosavo
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Background information
      • 2.1 The language and the data
      • 2.2 General grammatical features
      • 2.3 Available expressions to encode spatial information and accompaniment as adjuncts
      • 2.4 Serial verb constructions (SVCs)
      • 2.5 Clause chaining
    • 3. Encoding of directed CAM events
      • 3.1 Combination of -au with ba/bo ‘bring/take’
      • 3.2 Combination of -au with other directional verbs
      • 3.3 Expression of manner of causation
      • 3.4 Serial verb constructions involving verbs other than ‑au
      • 3.5 Subordination constructions
      • 3.6 Clause chaining
    • 4. The use of similar constructions to express unaccompanied directed caused motion
      • 4.1 Alternative use of the combination of ‑au plus directional verb
      • 4.2 Larger SVCs containing ‑au plus directional verb
    • 5. Summary
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Expressing events of directed caused accompanied motion in Qaqet
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Packaging information across the clause
      • 2.1 Oblique arguments
      • 2.2 Spatial information
    • 3. Expressions of directed CAM events
      • 3.1 The CAM construction
      • 3.2 Minor patterns
    • 4. A discourse perspective: Building complex events
    • 5. Summary
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Expressions of directed caused accompanied motion events in Yali
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Grammatical background
      • 2.1 Simple and complex verbal predication
      • 2.2 Oblique objects and object marking
      • 2.3 Directedness and purpose of motion
      • 2.4 Clause chaining and medial verbs
    • 3. Basic expressions of directed CAM events in Yali
      • 3.1 The basic meaning of wa-
      • 3.2 Directed CAM events expressed in clause chaining constructions
      • 3.3 Directed CAM events expressed by purpose of motion constructions
    • 4. CAM events with human recipient or theme arguments
      • 4.1 Human recipients and themes in CAM clause chaining constructions
      • 4.2 Human recipients in CAM purpose of motion constructions
    • 5. Manner of causation and manner of motion in Yali CAM expressions
      • 5.1 Manner of causation
      • 5.2 Manner of motion
    • 6. Summary
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Events of caused accompanied motion in Qaqet and Dëne Sųłıné child language corpora
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Setting the scene: The directed CAM expressions in Qaqet and Dëne Sųłıné
    • 3. Directed CAM events
      • 3.1 Qaqet
      • 3.2 Dëne Sųłıné
    • 4. Discussion and conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Funding
    • Abbreviations
    • References
  • Index

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