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Nikolaev (А.А. Николаев), A.A. Sociology of management: [учебник] / A.A. Nikolaev, E.L. Kruglova, Y.A. Laamarti. — Москва: ИП Лаамарти Ю.А., 2023. — 1 файл (3,25 Кб). — Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать). — <URL:>. — Текст: электронный

Record create date: 4/22/2024

Subject: авторы ФА; полный текст; электронные публикации; РФ; учебные издания; учебники; менеджмент; финансовый менеджмент; языкознание; иностранные языки; английский язык; книги; учебные издания

UDC: 336 англ.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Sociology of€management, its subject and role in€management practice
    • 1.1€The specifics of€the subject and object of€the sociology of€management
    • 1.2. Structure, Functions, Methodology and Methods of€the Sociology of€Management
    • 1.3€The role of€the sociology of€management in€management practice
  • Chapter 2. Social management as a€subject of€sociological analysis
    • 2.1. Management as a€social relationship
    • 2.2€Objects and subjects of€social management
    • 2.3€Management and power
    • 2.4. Management and leadership
  • Chapter€3. Social laws of€management
    • 3.1€Basic laws of€social management
    • 3.2€Models of€social management: subordination, coordination and re-ordination
    • 3.3. Basic forms and methods of€management activity
    • 3.4.Basic principles of€management activity
  • Chapter 4. Factors of€management activities
    • 4.1.Socio-cultural factors of€management
    • 4.2. National peculiarities of€management activity
    • 4.3.The concept of€managerial mentality and managerial culture
    • 4.4. Statuses and roles in€the management process
  • Chapter 5. Communications in€social management
    • 5.1.Management as a€communication system
    • 5.2.The concept of€social communications and scientific approaches to€the problem of€communication
    • 5.3. Structure of€management communications
  • Chapter 6. Management environment in€management activities
    • 6.1.Inert, optimal and aggressive control environment
    • 6.2.The structure of€the external management environment
    • 6.3.Management in€an aggressive environment
  • Chapter 7. Forms of€management regulation
    • 7.1.Coordination and creation of€social networks
    • 7.2.Maintaining socio-cultural integration
    • 7.3.Institutional and informal control as forms of€managerial regulation
  • Chapter 8. Interests in€human social activities
    • 8.1.The connection of€needs, interests, values and goals in€the social human activity and in€the management process
    • 8.2.Theories of€motivation
    • 8.3.General, private and mercenary interests
  • Chapter 9. Interests of€the society and the state in€social management
    • 9.1.Objective nature of€the state interest
    • 9.2.Natural and artificial state interest
    • 9.3.Mechanisms of€the development of€state interest
    • 9.4.Conflict of€interests within the state
  • Chapter 10. Management and manipulation
    • 10.1.Manipulation as the realization of€vested interests
    • 10.2.Types of€manipulation
    • 10.3.Theoretical understanding of€the phenomenon of€manipulation€by€G. Le Bon and G. Tarde
  • Chapter 11. Institutional prerequisites for management
    • 11.1.Understanding management through the categories of€“social institution”, “institutional environment”, “institutional agreement”
    • 11.2.Natural and artificial, simple and complex institutions
    • 11.3.Functions of€management as a€social institution
    • 11.4.The problem of€institutional dysfunction
  • Chapter 12. Management as a€social action
    • 12.1.The interpretation of€social action by€M. Weber
    • 12.2.The theory of€social action by€T. Parsons
    • 12.3.Categories “social action”, “social system”, “role”, “motive”, “deviation”
    • 12.4.Activity characteristics of€management
    • 12.5.Deviant orientations in€management
  • Chapter 13. Management as a€way of€social exchange
    • 13.1.Conceptual foundations of€the theory of€social exchange by€G. Homans, G. Becker, R. Emerson
    • 13.2.The concept of€elementary social behavior
    • 13.3.The measure of€exchange
  • Chapter 14. Constructivist foundations of€management activity
    • 14.1.Social construction of€reality by€P. Berger and Th. Luckmann
    • 14.2.Identity as a€key element of€social reality
    • 14.3.Knowledge, routinization, everyday life, primary and secondary socialization
  • Chapter 15. Dramatic understanding of€management
    • 15.1.The main provisions of€the symbolic interactionism of€J. Mead, G. Bloomer
    • 15.2.Roles and Masks. Interpretation. Dramatic approach of€E. Goffmann
    • 15.3.Social interaction as a€management of€impressions
    • 15.4.The concept of€“total institution”

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